BTS Edge 1.104 Released

  • When the ATM StraddleDisplay is in StraddleTheoVsMarket mode, the back and font colors can be distinguished for negative vs positive values (is if the atm straddle > atm straddle mid market or not). This can be done through Preferences->Main UI->StraddleTheoVsMarketNegative/Positive/BackFont/Color.
  • The Per Expiration Vol Shifter can be hidden from Sheets->Preferece->ShowVolShiftControlInExpirationHeader (This is useful for the floor where the per exp area is narrower)
  • Now optionally grouping fitter tabs for indexes. One tab form for CBOE, one for CME, sorted by expiration
  • Removed Commit to Master, Commit works in all cases
  • Added a facility for a 4th call and put fit point
  • Greatly improved Analytics Workspace Performance
  • Added Shape Change On Day Report. This report shows change in vol, straddle, and 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 delta option vols and prices
  • Changed Terms for Vega in Quickrisk. Instead of defaulting to 100's, it now defaults to dollars.
  • Added AdjVega, OEV, Theta and SlopeVega to PnL and Quickrisk.
  • Added cash_value to quickrisk as Cash Value
  • Added Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Roll and Edge Allocations in Day, Position and Summary PnL reports
  • Added facility to optionally center slide report on RefDriver, so that the underlying columns remain constant until a rebuild
General UI
  • Performance improvements
  • Sound alerts are now part of the system. This can be done by going to Admin->Sound Alerts. By default sounds play on trades, but this can be expanded to a wide range of events.
  • In the case where the user erroneously accepts/rejects mmtn's more than once, the system stops it and shows a warning message.

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