Spread Eye
- Fixed bug that required user to turn off all spreads at the close of the session.
- Beta sheets now allow the user to set off alerts based on market trades/ticker. This can be done by bringing up a Setting Window (Right click-> "Sheet Settings->SettingsWindow..."), navigating to the Alerts, and then to the "Trade Alerts" section. The user can then set the size, time for the alert to stay active, and the color of the alert.
Electronic Eye Controller
- To eliminate confusion, selection-swipe based actions are only allowed if a single column is swiped/selected (ex selecting both edge and size columns will NOT bring up the menu).
- There is a new report called DayPNLTrader that breaks down the Day PNL and Greeks per trader. Additionally, the trader data can be expanded to view the PNL and Greeks trade by trade.
General Shell
- Performance improvements.