What's my risk?

"What's my risk?" "What happens to my account when interest rates move?" "How can I hedge my position?"

BTS Risk is a standalone application that uses the same proven, proprietary technology as our market making application. Import your position from your clearing file or a standard CSV and look at scenario analysis across underlying, vol and interest rate scenarios.

With BTS risk you can both see your exposure and compute how many futures you should trade to hedge.

BTS Risk also offers trade by trade synchronization with CME drop copy.

If you are interested in learning more, or would like to be notified once BTS Risk becomes available please fill out the form at bluetradingsystems.com/risk.


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318 W Adams St
Suite 1724
Chicago, IL 60606
Telephone: (919) 913-0850

Chapel Hill

194 Finley Golf Course Road
Suite 100
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

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Twitter: @bts_software
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